One of our campus main objective is to be an active participant in the development of the European Union and its projects of cooperation, education, research, and entrepreneurial growth; both with European countries and with all international partner countries.
The ERASMUS+ projects, though with different aims and outcomes, are all focused on the improvement of European Higher Education and the development of the opportunities for the youth. Thanks to international projects, Nuevas Profesiones wishes to develop a range of strategic partnerships with internationally renowned VET and higher education institutes, promoting exchanges at all levels.
ERASMUS+ KA3 – Support for Policy Reform
Joint Qualifications in Vocational Education and Training
CulTVET – Joint Qualification in the Field of Cultural Tourism
CulTVET is an innovative European project which aims to develop the skills of young people interested to work in the field of cultural tourism, in order to contribute to increase their employability, as well as to provide enterprises with trained professionals who possess the necessary skills to cover the market needs. The main goal pursued is to contribute to the development of the tourism sector through the improvement of the VET offer in the cultural tourism sector.
For this purpose, CulTVET will develop a joint qualification for vocational training centers in the field of cultural tourism with a strong work-based component. Students who participate in this qualification will have the opportunity to receive specific training through a curriculum based on the needs of the sector and to learn through their integration in a real work environment.
The partners who participate in this project come from four Mediterranean countries: Spain, Italy, Greece and Cyprus, which depend greatly on the tourism sector for job creation and internal growth.
Project Acronym:
Project Duration:
24 months – from October 2018 to September 2020.
Project Coordinator:
Seville Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Spain.
- Action Synergy, Grecia
- EOAEN, Chambers’ Group for the Development of Greek Isles, Grecia
- KEKAPEL, Grecia.
- ACTA S.A., Aristotle Certification Training and Assessment, Grecia.
- NTB, Nicosia Tourism Board, Chipre.
- Forma Camera, Italia.
- IIS Luigi Einaudi, Italy.
- Nuevas Profesiones S.A.U., España.
- Eurosuccess Consulting, Chipre.
603.520,00 EUR
The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
CulTVET – Joint Qualification in the Field of Cultural Tourism
CulTVET es un proyecto innovador enmarcado dentro del programa Erasmus+ que tiene como objetivo desarrollar las habilidades de los jóvenes interesados en trabajar en el sector del turismo cultural para contribuir a aumentar su empleabilidad, así como para proporcionar a las empresas profesionales cualificados que posean las competencias necesarias para cubrir las necesidades específicas del sector.
El objetivo principal es, por tanto, contribuir al desarrollo del sector turístico a través de la mejora de la oferta de Formación Profesional en el sector del turismo cultural.
Para este propósito, CulTVET desarrollará una cualificación conjunta para centros de formación profesional en el campo del turismo cultural, con un fuerte componente práctico. Los estudiantes que participen en esta cualificación tendrán la oportunidad de recibir una formación específica a través de un currículo basado en las necesidades del sector, y aprendiendo a través de la integración en un entorno de trabajo real.
Los socios que participan en este proyecto provienen de cuatro países mediterráneos: España, Italia, Grecia y Chipre, países que dependen en gran medida del sector turístico para la creación de empleo y el crecimiento interno.
Acrónimo del proyecto:
Duración del proyecto:
24 meses – desde octubre de 2018 hasta septiembre de 2020
Coordinador del proyecto:
Cámara de Comercio de Sevilla, España
- Action Synergy, Greece
- EOAEN, Chambers’ Group for the Development of Greek Isles, Greece.
- KEKAPEL, Greece.
- ACTA S.A., Aristotle Certification Training and Assessment, Greece.
- NTB, Nicosia Tourism Board, Cyprus.
- Forma Camera, Italy.
- IIS Luigi Einaudi, Italy.
- Nuevas Profesiones S.A.U., Spain.
- Eurosuccess Consulting, Cyprus.
603.520,00 EUR
Página web:
The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
Key Action 3 – Support for Policy Reform
Erasmus+ KA3: Joint Qualifications in Vocational Education and Training
CulTVET is an innovative European project which aims to develop the skills of young people interested to work in the field of cultural tourism, in order to contribute to increase their employability, as well as to provide enterprises with trained professionals who possess the necessary skills to cover the market needs. The main goal pursued is to contribute to the development of the tourism sector through the improvement of the VET offer in the cultural tourism sector.
For this purpose, CulTVET will develop a joint qualification for vocational training centers in the field of cultural tourism with a strong work-based component. Students who participate in this qualification will have the opportunity to receive specific training through a curriculum based on the needs of the sector and to learn through their integration in a real work environment.
The partners who participate in this project come from four Mediterranean countries: Spain, Italy, Greece and Cyprus, which depend greatly on the tourism sector for job creation and internal growth.
Project Acronym:
Project Duration:
24 months – from October 2018 to September 2020.
Project Coordinator:
Seville Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Spain.
- Action Synergy, Grecia
- EOAEN, Chambers’ Group for the Development of Greek Isles, Grecia
- KEKAPEL, Grecia.
- ACTA S.A., Aristotle Certification Training and Assessment, Grecia.
- NTB, Nicosia Tourism Board, Chipre.
- Forma Camera, Italia.
- IIS Luigi Einaudi, Italy.
- Nuevas Profesiones S.A.U., España.
- Eurosuccess Consulting, Chipre.
603.520,00 EUR
The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
CulTVET es un proyecto innovador enmarcado dentro del programa Erasmus+ que tiene como objetivo desarrollar las habilidades de los jóvenes interesados en trabajar en el sector del turismo cultural para contribuir a aumentar su empleabilidad, así como para proporcionar a las empresas profesionales cualificados que posean las competencias necesarias para cubrir las necesidades específicas del sector.
El objetivo principal es, por tanto, contribuir al desarrollo del sector turístico a través de la mejora de la oferta de Formación Profesional en el sector del turismo cultural.
Para este propósito, CulTVET desarrollará una cualificación conjunta para centros de formación profesional en el campo del turismo cultural, con un fuerte componente práctico. Los estudiantes que participen en esta cualificación tendrán la oportunidad de recibir una formación específica a través de un currículo basado en las necesidades del sector, y aprendiendo a través de la integración en un entorno de trabajo real.
Los socios que participan en este proyecto provienen de cuatro países mediterráneos: España, Italia, Grecia y Chipre, países que dependen en gran medida del sector turístico para la creación de empleo y el crecimiento interno.
Acrónimo del proyecto:
Duración del proyecto:
24 meses – desde octubre de 2018 hasta septiembre de 2020
Coordinador del proyecto:
Cámara de Comercio de Sevilla, España
- Action Synergy, Greece
- EOAEN, Chambers’ Group for the Development of Greek Isles, Greece.
- KEKAPEL, Greece.
- ACTA S.A., Aristotle Certification Training and Assessment, Greece.
- NTB, Nicosia Tourism Board, Cyprus.
- Forma Camera, Italy.
- IIS Luigi Einaudi, Italy.
- Nuevas Profesiones S.A.U., Spain.
- Eurosuccess Consulting, Cyprus.
603.520,00 EUR
Página web:
The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.